Suitable for route-based scenarios.
By linking the micro-application to some url rules, the function of automatically loading the corresponding micro-application when the browser url changes.
registerMicroApps(apps, lifeCycles?)
- required, registration information for the child applicationLifeCycles
- optional, global sub app lifecycle hooksType
name - string
- required, the name of the child application and must be unique between the child applications.
entry - string | { scripts?: string[]; styles?: string[]; html?: string }
- required, The entry url of the child application.
container - string | HTMLElement
- required,A selector or Element instance of the container node of a micro application. Such as container: '#root'
or container: document.querySelector('#root')
activeRule - - string | (location: Location) => boolean | Array<string | (location: Location) => boolean>
- required,activation rules for micro-apps.
activeRule: '/app1'
or activeRule: ['/app1', '/app2']
, when configured as a string, it will directly follow the path part in the url Do a prefix match. A successful match indicates that the current application will be activated.location => location.pathname.startsWith ('/app1')
.Example rules:
['/pathname/#/hash', '/app1']
This function is called when the browser url changes, and activeRule
returns true
to indicate that the subapplication needs to be activated.
loader - (loading: boolean) => void
- optional, function will be invoked while the loading state changed.
props - object
- optional, data that the primary application needs to pass to the child application.
type Lifecycle = (app: RegistrableApp) => Promise<any>;
Lifecycle | Array<Lifecycle>
- optionalLifecycle | Array<Lifecycle>
- optionalLifecycle | Array<Lifecycle>
- optionalLifecycle | Array<Lifecycle>
- optionalLifecycle | Array<Lifecycle>
- optionalUsage
Configuration information for registered subapplications in the main application.
import { registerMicroApps } from 'qiankun';registerMicroApps([{name: 'app1',entry: '//localhost:8080',container: '#container',activeRule: '/react',props: {name: 'kuitos',}}],{beforeLoad: app => console.log('before load',,beforeMount: [app => console.log('before mount',,],},);
prefetch - boolean | 'all' | string[] | (( apps: RegistrableApp[] ) => { criticalAppNames: string[]; minorAppsName: string[] })
- optional, whether to enable prefetch, default is true
A configuration of true
starts prefetching static resources for other subapplications after the first subapplication mount completes.
If configured as 'all'
, the main application start
will begin to preload all subapplication static resources.
If configured as string[]
, starts prefetching static resources for subapplications after the first subapplication mount completes which be declared in this list.
If configured as function
, the timing of all subapplication static resources will be controlled by yourself.
sandbox - boolean
| { strictStyleIsolation?: boolean, experimentalStyleIsolation?: boolean }
- optional, whether to open the js sandbox, default is true
When configured as {strictStyleIsolation: true}
, qiankun will convert the container dom of each application to a shadow dom, to ensure that the style of the application will not leak to the global.
And qiankun offered an experimental way to support css isolation, when experimentalStyleIsolation is set to true, qiankun will limit their scope of influence by add selector constraint, thereforce styles of sub-app will like following case:
// if app name is {font-size: 14px;}div[data-qiankun-react16] .app-main {font-size: 14px;}
notice: @keyframes, @font-face, @import, @page are not supported (i.e. will not be rewritten) P.S: In current stage, we're not support the case: Inserting external styles by <link>
yet, we're consider add this part in the future.
singular - boolean | ((app: RegistrableApp<any>) => Promise<boolean>);
- Optional, whether it is a singleton scenario, singleton means just rendered one micro app at one time. default is true
fetch - Function
- optional
getPublicPath - (url: string) => string
- optional
getTemplate - (tpl: string) => string
- optional
excludeAssetFilter - (assetUrl: string) => boolean
- optional,some special dynamic loaded micro app resources should not be handled by qiankun hijacking
Start qiankun.
import { start } from 'qiankun';start();
- requiredUsage
Sets the child application that enters by default after the main application starts.
import { setDefaultMountApp } from 'qiankun';setDefaultMountApp('/homeApp');
() => void
- requiredUsage
Methods that need to be called after the first subapplication mount, such as turning on some monitoring or buried scripts.
import { runAfterFirstMounted } from 'qiankun';runAfterFirstMounted(() => startMonitor());
It is suitable for scenarios where a micro application needs to be manually loaded / unloaded.
loadMicroApp(app, configuration?)
app - LoadableApp
- Required, basic information of micro application
- Required, the name of the micro application must be unique among the micro applications.string | { scripts?: string[]; styles?: string[]; html?: string }
- Required, the entry address of the micro application.string | HTMLElement
- Required, selector or Element instance of the container node of the micro application. Such as container: '#root'
or container: document.querySelector('#root')
- Optional, the data that needs to be passed to the micro-application during initialization.configuration - Configuration
- Optional, configuration information of the micro application
sandbox - boolean
| { strictStyleIsolation?: boolean }
- Optional, whether to enable the sandbox, the default is true
When configured as {strictStyleIsolation: true}
, it means that strict style isolation mode is enabled. In this mode, qiankun will wrap a shadow dom node for each micro-application container, so as to ensure that the style of the micro application will not affect the whole world.
singular - boolean | ((app: RegistrableApp<any>) => Promise<boolean>);
- Optional, whether it is a singleton scenario, singleton means just rendered one micro app at one time. Default is false
fetch - Function
- Optional, custom fetch method.
getPublicPath - (url: string) => string
- Optional
getTemplate - (tpl: string) => string
- Optional
excludeAssetFilter - (assetUrl: string) => boolean
- optional,some special dynamic loaded micro app resources should not be handled by qiankun hijacking
返回值 - MicroApp
- Micro application examples
Load a micro application manually.
If you need to support the main application to manually update the micro application, you need to export an update hook for the micro application entry:
export function mount(props) {renderApp(props);}// Added update hook to allow the main application to manually update the micro applicationexport function update(props) {renderPatch(props);}
import { loadMicroApp } from 'qiankun';import React from 'react';class App extends React.Component {containerRef = React.createRef();microApp = null;componentDidMount() {this.microApp = loadMicroApp({ name: 'app1', entry: '//localhost:1234', container: this.containerRef.current, props: { name: 'qiankun' } },);}componentWillUnmount() {this.microApp.unmount();}componentDidUpdate() {this.microApp.update({ name: 'kuitos' });}render() {return <div ref={this.containerRef}></div>;}}
prefetchApps(apps, importEntryOpts?)
- Required - list of preloaded appsType
- Required - Application namestring | { scripts?: string[]; styles?: string[]; html?: string }
- Required,The entry address of the microappUsage
Manually preload the specified micro application static resources. Only needed to manually load micro-application scenarios, you can directly configure the prefetch
attribute based on the route automatic activation scenario.
import { prefetchApps } from 'qiankun';prefetchApps([ { name: 'app1', entry: '//locahost:7001' }, { name: 'app2', entry: '//locahost:7002' } ])
(...args: any[]) => void
- RequiredUsage
Add the global uncaught error hander.
import { addGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler } from 'qiankun';addGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler(event => console.log(event));
(...args: any[]) => void
- RequiredUsage
Remove the global uncaught error hander.
import { removeGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler } from 'qiankun';removeGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler(handler);
Record<string, any>
- RequiredUsage
init global state, and return actions for communication. It is recommended to use in master, and slave get actions through props。
onGlobalStateChange: (callback: OnGlobalStateChangeCallback, fireImmediately?: boolean) => void
- Listen the global status in the current application: when state changes will trigger callback; fireImmediately = true, will trigger callback immediately when use this method.
setGlobalState: (state: Record<string, any>) => boolean
- Set global state by first layer props, it can just modify first layer props what has defined.
offGlobalStateChange: () => boolean
- Remove Listener in this app, will default trigger when app unmount.
import { initGlobalState, MicroAppStateActions } from 'qiankun';// Initialize stateconst actions: MicroAppStateActions = initGlobalState(state);actions.onGlobalStateChange((state, prev) => {// state: new state; prev old stateconsole.log(state, prev);});actions.setGlobalState(state);actions.offGlobalStateChange();
// get actions from mountexport function mount(props) {props.onGlobalStateChange((state, prev) => {// state: new state; prev old stateconsole.log(state, prev);});props.setGlobalState(state);// It will trigger when slave umount, not necessary to use in non special cases.props.offGlobalStateChange();// ...}